This weekend I put up the Christmas tree. I spent a long time searching ebay for a vintage aluminum pom pom tree but in the end decided I wanted a fuller looking tree. I got a white tree this year which I think still has a retro feel. Last year I was lucky enough to stumble upon an entire box of 1960's christmas tree ornaments in perfect condition. Sets of flocked green and pink bells, little plastic marching men, clowns, angels and elves. I was excited to finally put them on display!

This weekend was also my family's annual gingerbread house "competition". Andrew and I decided to go with a pretzel log cabin design this year. Here's the
recipe if you are interested (add 1-2 cups more flour than the recipe calls for), roll the dough out 1/4" thickness. There are lots of templates online for houses. Cut the windows before baking, allow at least 3 days for the pieces to harden before assembling. Here are some photos from the event: